I love this carnation bouquet! It's budget friendly, a great DIY project, & stunning! Here are some awesome directions from
CarnationsAs Charlotte from Sex and the City once said, “Carnations are ‘filler flowers.’” But they don’t deserve the stigma; two simple yet elegant bouquets were made utilizing a few shades of pink carnations and a bundle of affordable baby’s breath. And, let’s remember, pink carnations were Carrie Bradshaw’s favorite.
How To: Varying hues from fuchsia to pale blush pink are clustered together, then tied with floral stem wire (about $1.50 for 110 feet) to hold them in place.
Ta-Da! The final step: Tuck a matching silk ribbon around the base of the blooms to disguise the wire and pull the look (and your color scheme) together.
These look beautiful!
How many stems are in that bouquet?
After seeing this, I'm convinced to DIY my bouquet with carnations in my colors!
I'm 5'1 and don't want a very big bouquet, though I do want it to look full. I was thinking of doing 20 or 25.
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